"Working right now with seasounds for a public art project in New York Queens USA"
In the background you see Far Rockaway Beach were I did the recordings!
AnnaK Productions is based in Stockholm Sweden and in New York City USA.
I have a Bacheloir in
Musicproduction and Music & Sound Design.
At the moment I produce music and soundeffects for free for Theater, Movies and Computer games for getting works to my portfolio
AnnaK Anna-Karin Svedjestrand
Sound engineer and Music Producer
I have been studuying Musicproduction for three years and have a BA in Music and Sound Design. I can work as a Sound engineer or Music producer in a studio and for the live scene.
I am also educated in making music and sound effects for Movies, Theater or Computer games.
Here are some songs and recordings I have made, "We will rock you" it's my own artsy version of Queens song "We will rock you" it's my most populair song with over 5700 listenings. "I want it all Queen Remix" is my next most populair song with ower 1250 listenings my own version of Queens song "I want it all" and "We will rock you". Inspiried from the cover version song/mash up "I want it all" from the movie soundtrack from Sucker Punsch, by Queen featuring Armageddon aka Geddy.
"Bach second sonata for flute in Ace-Major" is a recording of my friend, flutist Åsa Carlson and Magnus Kinnman pianist. It was a project for school to record and produce music from a different genre than I am used to listen to.
The song "Until it Sleeps" is my own song or a art sound experiment and it´s about relationship that don´t works and getting out of them. "Power of Art" is also my own song and it´s about the Power I feel from making and experience art. "Queen of NYC" is a song about feeling home in New York and more like an alien in Stockholm.
And here a link to my artist page
Here is a link
to my
Soundcloud page.
AnnaK Production at
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AnnaK Production
AnnaK Produktion är ett produktionsföretag för Musik och Ljud Design.
AnnaK Anna-Karin Svedjestrand har en fil. kand i Musikproduktion och Musik & Ljuddesign.
Jag är ljudtekniker och musikproducent som jobbar i studio eller för live-scen och jag gör musik och ljudeffekter för film, tv, teater och data-spel.
Just nu erbjuder jag musik och ljudeffekter för film, tv och teater,
utan kostnad för att få fler uppdrag för min portfolio.
För uppdrag kontakta mig på e-mejl;
Eller använd formuläret till höger,
för mobiltelefon är formuläret under denna text.