This is my dearest friend in NYC Dawn Orlando a totaly fantastic woman and Manager, Owner of the uniqe Funkadelic Studios, Times Square that i love. Beside her one of the artist at the studio Sir Century, from London, Great Britain.

Practicing piano at home it´s necessary and fun in a way, anyway.

Times Square near Funkadelic Studios, Broadway a lot of tourist but I love the place anyway. I love the feeling that anything can happen here.

January 15 2015 I was singing at the Open Mic event at the Funkadelic.

December 2016 I was working with recording sea-sounds for a project with the great artist Malin Abrahamsson.

Celebrated Christmas with a friend 2015.

I made a movie at Skokloster Castle. I also work at Skokloster, a marvelous Castle from around 1650.

Two of my best friends Sam Paris the fantastic artist, entertainer and singer. Sam has teach me all about singing and performing and he is a great friend. Jullan was my cat who has passed away recently, she was my best friend I will always love her. Jullan lives in my heart.

Recording sea-sounds to Malin Abrahamssons public art project for a School in Queens.

AnnaK and Emil Sixten at the studio in Falun. Emil is a talented artist and friend at the Dalarna University.

AnnaK in Brooklyn December 2016

AnnaK was studying Musicproduction in Falun, Sweden, 2015-2016. Here in the studio.